Friday, April 30, 2010

Rich's Social Media Meditation

My experience with Social Media has been picking up steam lately, and it's showing specific results (even as my blogging here paused for a short time). My vlog is evolving from an exercise to a real tool in various segments of my life.

Creatively, vlogging feels like a vast storytelling "sandbox" - I've been experimenting with various approaches my vlogging "technique," and interacting with viewers with a directness and immediacy that's unique to the online world. I've come to think of vlogging (and grassroots online entertainment in general) as a form in its infancy, much as early Hollywood or the early days of television. There is an excitement to the form that I've not only witnessed and experienced through online contact, but in meeting a number of the vloggers I've come to know over the past few months. If you haven't seen my commentary on meeting those vloggers, it's here.

It's beginning to pay off in other ways. I've found in a number of professional interactions, that clients and/or potential clients have been watching my work, and have found a value in getting to "know me" before actually getting to know me.

In what are really my earliest stages in this world, I'm finding real value in staking my online claim.

More to come!

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