Thursday, May 27, 2010


I've looked at quite a few videos on social networking and social media techniques. Some are chock-full of useful information. I've learned a great deal from just observing what other people are doing. However, for too many of these video presentations proved less effective than they might have been for one important factor - they were poorly executed. Poor quality video - poor quality audio - poor quality graphics. You don't need to be media savvy to recognize sub-quality video.

I find it extraordinary that many social networking professionals fail to understand how important effective social media can be to reaching their goals and objectives. A poor quality video presentation reflects poorly on the presenter - and on the facts presented.

Many successful YouTubers have learned by watching others closely, emulating their favorite videos, and building upon their experience. As a video professional, I'm attracted to YouTube because of that very spirit - a spirit of innovation and creative freedom that is quite unique to this platform.

The rapid growth of social networking and social media technology has generated a sea of Social Media "professionals" that lack awareness of just what makes effective social media.

1 comment:

Ken Goldstein said...

You've got an advantage on me, in that by the time you started on YouTube, they'd increased the allowable quality level several times.

When I look back at my earlier videos now I'm so incredibly disappointed with the quality (or lack thereof) that I was forced to dumb my output down to.