I read an article in the New York Times the other day entitled, "Creating Brand You." It, in turn, discussed an article in the current issue of Psychology Today in which Psychologist Judith Sills suggests "becoming your own brand," explaining that "it is the professional identity that you create in the minds of others."
Your image - or, as the CIA dubs it, your "legend," is the first impression most people will have about you. Taking control of that image is crucial if you're serious about achieving goals. Taking control of your image, in turn, directly reflects how focused you are on your goals.
Sills writes of three approaches that will work will if you want to be come a brand - I believe they come hand in hand with achieving goals:
-Speaking Professionally (conferences, events that provide visibility)
-Make your presence known at meetings (our industry thrives on creative input)
-Be consistent (a universal need across all forms of employment!)
All of these approaches reflect your public face - and your ability to reach the goals you set for yourself.
If you don't know who you are, how will anyone else know?