Saturday, November 26, 2005

Things You Can Do With Google Earth

This is a small corner of the neighborhood in New Hyde Park, New York where I lived until I was eleven years old, with some initial notations (expect more as time goes on!)

1 - This was our house, at 143 Country Village Lane. Yes, it overlooked the pond, seperated only by a chain-link fence.

2 - Ridder's Pond, so named for the owner of the estate on which the entire development was built (the same family that operates the Knight-Ridder publishing empire today). If the winter got cold enough, the pond would freeze over and ice skating was allowed. The view out my bedroom window was something out of a Norman Rockwell Painting (though I had no appreciation of that at the time).

3 - The location at which my beautiful blue Stingray bike was stolen from a bike rack, circa 1971. The first and only time I ever left my bike unlocked....

4 - This is where I likely was WHEN my Stingray was stolen. I was with my friend Larry, who insisted he saw the culprits (though he was with me). Alas, they were never caught.

As time goes on, I'll add more historical notations to this map and other photos, in the event you should be inspired to take a walking tour of my early life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you're doing the blogging! I think this is the next big cyber thing like e-mail or something. Even that creepy kid is there! It's gonna be funny when Josh learns to use the computer...aaaaahhh